Rottweiler Breeder - Rottweiler Puppies - Rottweiler Stud Dog - Esmond Rottweilers | Mike Jackman & Ann Felske Jackman | Ontario Canada


      “True genius resides in the capacity for evaluation of uncertain, 
                                        hazardous, and conflicting information.” 
                                                                   ~  Winston Churchill

The Esmond Rottweiler Puppy Evaluation Program

We have finally put our Puppy Socialization and Evaluation Program down on paper!
(Use the Links Below to view the Program Week by Week)

Esmond Rottweiler Puppy Evaluation Program - Weeks 1-2

Esmond Rottweiler Puppy Evaluation Program - Week 3

Esmond Rottweiler Puppy Evaluation Program - Week 4

Esmond Rottweiler Puppy Evaluation Program - Week 5

Esmond Rottweiler Puppy Evaluation Program - Week 6

Esmond Rottweiler Puppy Evaluation Program - Week 7

Esmond Rottweiler Puppy Evaluation Program -  Final

The reason that we have designed this new program is that, in raising our litters, we found that the socialization we provided seemed to override some of the natural reactions when it came time for Puppy Testing.  Meaning that when we tested on day 49, nearly all of our pups had the same reactions to some of the tests.  For this reason, you'll see that many of the PAT items are included, however, they are at varying ages or with a greater degree of difficulty. 

We have designed this program to follow the pups' natural tendencies during their maturation process.  Several items are evaluated for more than one week with only slight variation, allowing us to note how small adjustments affect an individual pup.  Other items evaluate how the pup interacts with his dam, littermates, breeder, and new people and dogs.  Although some items may seem insignificant, when used in its entirety, the process should help us to form a clearer picture of what each puppy is destined to become.

As with the Volhard PAT testing, we find that day 49 is critical and there are quite a few formal tests performed on this day.  The additional tests allow us to evaluate in greater detail items like problem solving, resiliency and desire to interact, as well as ability to handle stress, sociability and courage.  We have found that well socialized pups from Working or Herding breeds can easily handle the day 49 testing, however, it may not be suitable for all breeds.

Unlike the traditional PAT test, there is no categorizing the pups. Instead, the program is designed to get the breeder thinking about each behavior and the "why" behind it.  In many of the PAT items, you will note a greater number of behavioral choices, as we have found that the subtleties of these behaviors are often the most telling.  For instance, in a working prospect, it is not very often a matter of whether the pup will bite and shake the rag that's dragged in front of him, but whether he has a full bite vs. a shallow one, or whether he shows a strong desire to continue the game by way of remaining focused on the item or handler even after the item is removed. 

At the final 7 week evaluation, the breeder is asked to rank the puppy, based on the entirety of the 7 week program, for 16 temperament traits as well as overall beauty and carriage.  The breeder is then asked to estimate whether the pup would be suitable for various venues.  It is important to note that this section is only valuable to an experienced breeder who can look at the pups objectively.  If utilized properly, this final evaluation helps us to  properly match each pup to the needs of a prospective owner. 

Please feel free to Contact Us if you have any questions about this program.